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søndag 19. november 2023

Palash Chitrakaar


Palash is the second born child to famous musician and hit movie composer Laranya Chitrakaar and successfull painter Deepak Chitrakaar. He grew up in the town of Bewickton on an island off the west coast along with his four siblings. Udisha as his older sister, and Leya, Bhavan and Nitya as his younger siblings.

Whereas his sister Udisha early on showed an interest in painting and music, Palash had no such interests preferring instead to play with the doll house or this plush toy doll sent to the family by a far away aunt from overseas for hours on end. Laranya and Deepak let him keep the doll, but never said much about where it came from...

By the time he started school, some three years after his younger sister Leya was born, it became clear he had an unusual talent for numbers and understanding math. He quickly surpassed his fellow pupils his age to the point of finding math classes incredibly boring until his talent for calculus was spotted by the teacher and he got special, more advanced tutoring suitable for his level.

When his younger sister Leya started school some three years later it was even more clear that Palash perhaps was a little different from the rest of his family, as it was around this time he would also start exhibiting more peculiar behaviours such as talking to himself or having his periods where he would become obsessed with various conspiracy theories.

Udisha especially noticed that something was.. a little off with her younger brother and being a little concerned, she asked her parents about it, but Deepak and Laranya always did their best to evade the topic and never said much about where it came from...

It didn't get much better during his teenage years, though he always still did really well in school - in math in particular, some of his ideas just became weirder and weirder.. It was also around this time another one of his talents surfaced, as he turned out to be an excellent babysitter for his two youngest siblings Bhavan and Nitya in particular. Leya was a little tougher to handle as she was much closer to him in age, but he still had a unique ability to settle any dispute he may have had with her before they would escalate into the usual sibling rivalry...

In spite of his oddities here and there he always maintained a close bond with all of his siblings, including his older sister Udisha, and of course, also his parents, and by the time he became a young adult he only really had two, sometimes three, interests in life: Numbers, starting his own family and conspiracy theories....

He was a little to peculiar sometimes to do a good impression on most job interviews, but he was lucky that Udisha already had a job in the finance career and was able to put in a good word for him. His colleagues weren't to appreciative of some of his talk about his more far out theories during lunch, but this was still the perfect job for him as he left everyone in awe of his ability to accurately predict the future of the financial market - something that was believed to be near impossible. It was a mystery how his mind worked sometimes, but it worked brilliantly! Even his sister Udisha was left speechless on occasion!

Word even began to spread around town about this financial genious and it didn't take long before it reached the residents of the wealthy part of town heard about it... Both his parents and his siblings had by now thought that he would remain permanently single, in spite of his strong desire to start a family, because he was just to odd with all his conspiracy talk to last long enough in any relationship..

They thought the excact same thing when he started dating Sofia, this rich snob from the upper part of town, that it wasn't going to last very long.. It just didn't look like a match at all. What could she possibly see in him? They had nothing in common at all....

..which is why everyones jaw dropped when he announced to them that just a few months into their relationship that they would get married.. something which made even less sense once they got to know her.. not only did they come from very different backgrounds, but she appeared to be his radical opposite, especially on a very fundamental thing, as she just always one way or another showed an extreme disdain for children...

Palash sure appeared as a bit of an enigma to them all.. either he saw something in her they didn't, or this marriage was doomed to fail...

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