Alphabetical Order

Sorted alphabetically by last name. The list is incomplete. - A - Alnuman, Amena Alnuman, George - B - Borsønn, Odin Botnen, Gerda ...

torsdag 23. november 2023

Sofia Chitrakaar

Maiden name: Karlsen

Sofia is an only child to Konrad Karlsen II and Pixi Karlsen. Her grandfather Konrad Karlsen was the founder of Bewickton Seafoods, a local company who specialized in buying fish from the local fishing fleet and serving as a primary processor. His son and Sofias father eventually took over the family business as well as inheriting the fortune he had built up over the years, thanks to the rich waters outside the islands..

Konrad II continued to administer the business successfully for some years, and eventually married Pixi Nilsen, after which she took his name. A couple of years later, she gave birth to Sofia, and things looked good for this tiny family.

It was around this time Konrad was about to expand his business by building a new processing unit when, after a prolonged period of heavy rainfall one autumn somehow the dam that seperated the town in it's lower and upper parts 'mysteriously' broke and flooded the entire lower part of, including the Bewickton Seafoods building, drowning almost the entire workforce as well as several hundreds of people living in that part of town..

The cause of the flooding was never found, though an investigation that was made the accident pointed towards the possibility that someone may have deliberaty planted explosions on or near the dam with the intent of blowing it up, but for some reason a perpetrator was never found and brought to justice...

Following this event it was decided by the town council that the lower part of town should never be rebuilt and Konrads company was declared bankrupt. Konrad then fell into a deep depression lasting for a couple of years until he finally came back on his feet somewhat starting a new career as a firefighter. However the trouble didn't stop there, because it didn't take long for his wife to mysteriously go missing, after which he received a letter in the mail demanding a ransom if he wanted to see his wife again.

Konrad of course refused to give in to the kidnappers and reported it to the police, but it was to no avail. The police in town appeared to be completely clueless even though Konrad had an inkling who was behind the blackmail and again whoever was behind it was never found or put to justice..

Konrad continued to receive several letters now blackmailing him for money if he wanted to keep him and his daughter safe, which led to him always working overtime at the fire station to "pay off the bills", and in turn never having neither time nor much energy to take care of and spend time with his only child..

From Sofias perspective it looked like the job was the most important thing in his fathers life and she never understood why he never had any time for her. He made sure to always she always had the best toys available in a poor attempt to make up for always leaving her to some random baby sitter, and sure enough there was never a shortage of material goods for Sofia when she grew up. However, she became quickly bored with all the toys and the babysitters mostly only did the bare minimum, which often made Sofia wonder what was wrong with her since dad seemed to avoid her so much..

This continued all the way until her father died of a heart attack while at work, presumably from all the stress he had endured over the years, shortly before her 18th birthday. With no living relatives left and all of a sudden the owner of a house and the sole inheritor of what was left of her fathers fortune, she felt bewildered and didn't know what to do except continue down the same path her father did and apply for a job at the local fire station as well...

Sofia spent several years working at the fire station, unable to form close relations with most people (" can anyone love someone like me, when not even my own father could..?") and working hard to get noticed and telling herself that living wealthy was the way to happiness and fulfillment...

One day at work a young man called Bhavan joined the fire fighting career. It quickly became clear for Bhavan that Sofia was very concerned with social status, money and wealth, and in a not entirely serious way he had told her of his brother Palash, whom he knew had a talent for money,a nd who had also been hopelessly single for quite some time .... So he suggested she should ask him out on a date, because, as he told her, he was certain that "she was just the right woman for him".

Sofia was of course naturally hesitant of this at first.. who was this Palash guy and why would he be interested in her, especially if he was being so succesful in his career in finance? But after some more teasing and pushing from Bhavan, she eventually dared to ask him and was a little surprised when he said yes.. Now she really had to do her best, and took him out to the most expensive restaurant in time and used all of her talking skills, while of course perhaps not so subtly mentioning both her swimming pool, her car, her house and most important of all – that she was indeed working as a fire fighter..

..and much to her surprise, whatever she did right there, it worked, because just a few months later they found themselves engaged – and married, already on their honey moon on a cruise going into far away tropical waters.. So it was possible then, that someone could love her after all...

Following the cruise she found herself pregnant, which was very tough on her for a while, mostly because being a parent scared during her worst moments scared the living daylights off of her.. how could she know how to raise a child, when she had never seen it done? For all of her life she had avoided having anything to do with children as much as possible, and now she found herself in this situation.. She even considered the unspeakable at one point, but she knew how important children were to his husband and so she just couldn't follow through with such thoughts..

..and once her daughter Rose Marie was born, after all, she was happy she didn't, and to her own surprise, even found that she had what it took after all to both form a bond with, and properly care for her little baby....



Konrad Karlsen II (deceased)
Pixi Karlsen (deceased)



Married to:

Palash Chitrakaar


Rose Marie Chitrakaar

Nephews and nieces:

Nishit Chitrakaar-Skurchk
Bodil Chitrakaar
Ole Christian Chitrakaar-Skurchk
Orinder Chitrakaar-Bråheim
Madhunisha Chitrakaar-Skurchk


Yumi Chitrakaar (dog)

søndag 19. november 2023

Palash Chitrakaar


Palash is the second born child to famous musician and hit movie composer Laranya Chitrakaar and successfull painter Deepak Chitrakaar. He grew up in the town of Bewickton on an island off the west coast along with his four siblings. Udisha as his older sister, and Leya, Bhavan and Nitya as his younger siblings.

Whereas his sister Udisha early on showed an interest in painting and music, Palash had no such interests preferring instead to play with the doll house or this plush toy doll sent to the family by a far away aunt from overseas for hours on end. Laranya and Deepak let him keep the doll, but never said much about where it came from...

By the time he started school, some three years after his younger sister Leya was born, it became clear he had an unusual talent for numbers and understanding math. He quickly surpassed his fellow pupils his age to the point of finding math classes incredibly boring until his talent for calculus was spotted by the teacher and he got special, more advanced tutoring suitable for his level.

When his younger sister Leya started school some three years later it was even more clear that Palash perhaps was a little different from the rest of his family, as it was around this time he would also start exhibiting more peculiar behaviours such as talking to himself or having his periods where he would become obsessed with various conspiracy theories.

Udisha especially noticed that something was.. a little off with her younger brother and being a little concerned, she asked her parents about it, but Deepak and Laranya always did their best to evade the topic and never said much about where it came from...

It didn't get much better during his teenage years, though he always still did really well in school - in math in particular, some of his ideas just became weirder and weirder.. It was also around this time another one of his talents surfaced, as he turned out to be an excellent babysitter for his two youngest siblings Bhavan and Nitya in particular. Leya was a little tougher to handle as she was much closer to him in age, but he still had a unique ability to settle any dispute he may have had with her before they would escalate into the usual sibling rivalry...

In spite of his oddities here and there he always maintained a close bond with all of his siblings, including his older sister Udisha, and of course, also his parents, and by the time he became a young adult he only really had two, sometimes three, interests in life: Numbers, starting his own family and conspiracy theories....

He was a little to peculiar sometimes to do a good impression on most job interviews, but he was lucky that Udisha already had a job in the finance career and was able to put in a good word for him. His colleagues weren't to appreciative of some of his talk about his more far out theories during lunch, but this was still the perfect job for him as he left everyone in awe of his ability to accurately predict the future of the financial market - something that was believed to be near impossible. It was a mystery how his mind worked sometimes, but it worked brilliantly! Even his sister Udisha was left speechless on occasion!

Word even began to spread around town about this financial genious and it didn't take long before it reached the residents of the wealthy part of town heard about it... Both his parents and his siblings had by now thought that he would remain permanently single, in spite of his strong desire to start a family, because he was just to odd with all his conspiracy talk to last long enough in any relationship..

They thought the excact same thing when he started dating Sofia, this rich snob from the upper part of town, that it wasn't going to last very long.. It just didn't look like a match at all. What could she possibly see in him? They had nothing in common at all....

..which is why everyones jaw dropped when he announced to them that just a few months into their relationship that they would get married.. something which made even less sense once they got to know her.. not only did they come from very different backgrounds, but she appeared to be his radical opposite, especially on a very fundamental thing, as she just always one way or another showed an extreme disdain for children...

Palash sure appeared as a bit of an enigma to them all.. either he saw something in her they didn't, or this marriage was doomed to fail...

onsdag 15. november 2023

Leya Chitrakaar-Bråheim


Leya grew up in the west coast town of Bewickton as the middle child of a group of 5 siblings. The older siblings being Udisha and Palash, and the two younger ones being Bhavan and Nitya. Leyas mother Laranya is a famous musician and hit movie composer, while her father Deepak is a successful and well known painter. Growing up in such a creative household Leya, like her sister Udisha and eventually Nitya early on showed an interest in both painting and music.

Udisha as the older sister, is more traditional and 'home bound', so she stayed behind in town, whereas Leya felt more restless and wanted to leave to explore the world.. She didn't travel that far though, she only took the ferry to the mainland to seek a career in music in the county capitol of Cyme Ixotic..

This is where Leyas story has some similarities to Solvejs story, as she during this time met a football player from Sprottenham.. this football player was the then goalkeeper of the team, Glenn Hoddelås. She fell in love with him, and together they moved to his hometown Sprottenham on the east coast, and a few years later they got their first child, Bodil...

But after a while their relationship turned sour, and they split and Leya, with her daughter Bodil, became desparate for a new place to stay... So as a temporary solution she moved in with Solvej and Patrik and their son Rune. However, what was meant to be only temporary became permanent, and around this time she got acquainted with their peculiar neighbour who squatted in this rundown house across the street called "Gufo Triste"..

This neighbour was Gaute, and at this point in time he was still living a carefree life as an extreme sports junkie, travelling bum and wild party animal.. He was already a good friend of Solvej, as he had saved her earlier when her car broke down as she was travelling eastwards, so both Leya and Solvej would frequently get invited to his parties, and sometimes Leya would attend as well...

Gaute became so enamoured with this new woman who wasn't like all the other women.. This one was a challenge, and he just couldn't get his mind off of her.. where every other woman showed up at his swimsuit parties in their swimsuit, she still held on to her everyday clothes.. what a woman! ;)

Eventually him and Leya became a couple and then of course he couldn't be living in that dump of a house anymore, so he moved in with her and her daughter alongside Solvej, Patrik and Rune.. this went well for a while, until around the time when Leya was pregnant with their son Orinder and following a dispute with Patrik, Gaute made the decision that they should move out and get their own home...

søndag 5. november 2023

Lilian Rasmussen


Parents: Solvej Rasmussen, Patrik C. Rasmussen
Siblings: Rune Rasmussen, Silvia Rasmussen


Lilian, along with her twin sister Silvia, is like most toddlers.. she enjoys spending time playing with toys such as the xylophone or the doll house.. or when left unattended, to splash around with the water in the toilet bowl... She has also shown some interest in playing football, but her sister Silvia is likely to have already got a hold of the ball and isn't to keen on sharing with her sister.. but where Silvia may have the brawns, so far it looks like Lilian is the one with the brains, and may just outsmart her sister to get her turn playing football too!

Silvia Rasmussen


Parents: Solvej Rasmussen, Patrik C. Rasmussen
Siblings: Rune Rasmussen, Lilian Rasmussen


Well, what to say..  Silvia is like most kids her age, she likes to spend her time playing with her toys, whether that be the doll house or the xylophone, babbling on with her toddler speak to learn how to talk and creating some real stinkers for mom and dad.... When she's outside, she so far enjoys very much to practice playing football, something which makes her father especially happy.

Silvia, when compared to her twin sister Lilian, appears to be the more assertive of the two, but Lilian may just be a little more sneaky.