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fredag 27. oktober 2023

Ranveig Motorsen

Ranveig Motorsen Theme on Youtube.

Date of birth: 21.02.1978.
Hometown and place of birth: Sunset Valley.
Parents: Ingmar Motorsen, Eirin Motorsen
Spouse: None.
Children: Oliver Freddy Motorsen, Robert Bråge Motorsen.
Lifetime wish: Chess Legend (completed)
Career: Journalism.


Ranveig Motorsen is the firstborn child of chess prodigy and world renowned surgeon Ingmar Motorsen, and dynamic DNA profiler Eirin Motorsen. When she was a child she, and eventually her younger sister Monica, was often left under the care of a continuous flux of babysitters while her parents where busy focusing on their careers and participating in chess tournaments.

As she got a little older, she caught an interest in chess from witnessing her father competing in ranked games of chess in their home, and an interest in investigating (which later turned into an interest in journalism) from her moms career in the police force.

The school years weren't easy for Ranveig, as she often got bullied for 'being different' and showing up to school in her swimwear even if no swimming classes were scheduled. She never understood why she, and also her sister, were so different from everyone else. Before she started school, she had never thought that mom having conversations with herself in the bathroom every morning was anything unusal, because that's just how it was.. but she quickly learnt this was not normal, and something one shouldn't do in public.. but sometimes the vocies just got to intense to resist the urge to talk back..

In her teenage years she became an older sister again as her mom, unplanned, gave birth to a pair of twins, Eivind and Knut. These were particularly stressful years for Ranveig, dealing with her mental condition that kept getting worse, being a teenager and keeping up a facade, babysitting her three younger siblings and handling the bullies at school all the while trying to get a good grade, as well as several instances of unrecruited love..

Finally as a young adult she was able to move out on her own, but didn't have much money, so she bought the cheapest house on sale - the old rundown Mosquite Cove - but atleast now she had a place of her own, and she felt a glimpse of happiness the day she got a job at the local newspaper - The Sunset Valley Gazette.

Now, following in the footsteps of her father she spent several years practicing chess and participating in tournaments to become a Chess Legend, as well as slowly climbing the ranks of her journalism career. She felt like she had everything in place - except for one thing, one thing that she had always wanted, well, atleast since she started high school. To one day get married and raise her own family.

She thought she had found 'the one', when she one day was sent out to interview the promising mayoral canditate Fredrik Fredriksen. He was such a sweet talking, handsome man, and she felt like walking on sunshine when they became a couple and she found out that she was pregnant.. but unluckily the relationship was short lived and ended before she gave birth to her firstborn son, Oliver Freddy Motorsen, and the years became hard again..

Now she was a single mother, still struggling to advance in her career and as a chess player... and Fredrik soon enough got elected as the towns mayor and began distancing himself from her, as it wouldn't look good for his public image if it were to come out that he was having an affair with a mentally unstable woman from the poorer part of town...

After that experience Ranveig gave up on finding love in the real world, and turned to fiction by devouring an almost unhealthy amount of romance novels and watching every episode of every show on the romance channel, before starting all over again to watch them on repeat...

Until one day she met the travelling bum and extreme sports junkie Gaute Bråheim - again for an interview for the Sunset Valley Gazette - about the increasing amount of tourists finally finding their way to this small dozy town..

He was the radical opposite of the ambitious and orderly mayoral candidate, and as he appeared to be interested in more than just an interview (or maybe he was just looking for another adventure), she decided to give it a go.. this 'relationship' lasted even shorter than the previous one, and by the time she found herself pregnant again, he was long gone...

Now after giving birth to another boy, Robert Bråge, she had become a parent for the second time, still single, still working on her career and trying to become a Chess Legend, as well as struggling with her mental condition and her moms words ringing in her head "to keep it within the walls of the house and not let the secret come out...", as if it wasn't apparent when she needed her toilet breaks at work because the voices became to much to handle..

It wasn't until she witnessed her sister Monicas oldest child, Lise Veronica, struggling with the same voices and putting on a swimsuit for her 13th birthday that she thought enough was enough and decided that enough was enough and had a serious talk with her sister and set up an appointment for the three of them to go to a doctor and finally get a diagnosis and treatment for their condition..

Her oldest son, Oliver Freddy, who also suffered the same, was away at university at this time, otherwise she would have taken him along too. She could only for the time being encourage him to seek help on his own, and hope that he would take the responsibility to do so.. He was out there living his life on his own terms now, and she couldn't force him...

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