Alphabetical Order

Sorted alphabetically by last name. The list is incomplete. - A - Alnuman, Amena Alnuman, George - B - Borsønn, Odin Botnen, Gerda ...

tirsdag 31. oktober 2023

Rune Rasmussen

Parents: Solvej Rasmussen, Patrik C. Rasmussen
Siblings: Silvia Rasmussen, Lilian Rasmussen


Rune is the oldest child of Solvej and Patrik, and an active member of the local boy scouts. He is taking a little bit after his father by showing some interest in sports and working out, and a little bit after his grandfather by showing an interest in art and painting. So far he has not shown much interest in music, though he certainly has the potential to do well with it, as he has inherited the ability to excel in music from his mom.

fredag 27. oktober 2023

Patrik Clements Rasmussen (née Jensen).


Spouse: Solvej Rasmussen
Children: Rune Rasmussen, Silvia Rasmussen, Lilian Rasmussen


Patrik is the only child to parents Nils Ivar Jensen (13.02.1946 - 16.09.2012) and Gertrude Jensen (née Myrvoll) (14.05.1948 - 18.11.2021). His parents were proud farmers from the nearby town of Warenford, and one day had hopes that Patrik would take over their farm, but unfortunately he had other ideas and instead wanted to pursue a career in sports playing football, hoping to win the national championship to gain fame, money.. and women.. of course! So... after finishing high school in his hometown, he moved out to the nearby slightly bigger town of Sprottenham to join the local team, much to his parents disappointment.. and since they had noone to take over the farm, they found it necessary to sell it when the time came for them to step down and retire...

Patriks father, unfortunately, didn't get to witness much of his sons success on the football field as he died of cancer only four years after he had met Solvej. Gertrude got to see most of it though, and eventually ended up being quite proud of her son, even though the disappointment of him not wanting to keep the farm still lingered.. She unfortunately too died of heart disease about two years ago. When she still lived she was always very proud of Rune as well, as her only grandchild, and there was no shortage of cookies, candies and hugs, but unfortunately she never got to meet the twins before she passed away... though she most definately would've been very proud of them too!

Solvej Rasmussen


Parents: Mona Rasmussen, Rolf Rasmussen
Spouse: Patrik Clements Rasmussen
Children: Rune Rasmussen, Silvia Rasmussen, Lilian Rasmussen
Siblings: August Rasmussen, Sylvester René Rasmussen


Born and raised in what is known as Freetown Ciani Tharis, a small distance outside the county capitol of Wad Nahadau, just some miles to the northeast of Sunset Valley. She grew up in a hippe-esque household with her two parents Mona and Rolf, her uncle Hans-Tore and her aunt Victoria, as well as her brothers August and Sylvester-René.

She early on picked up an interest in flowers and gardening from spending time with her mom tending to the plants in the backyard. In general she enjoyed a very carefree and relaxed childhood, before she decided to venture out and explore the world on her own, first spending some time in an apartment in the nearby city... but she could never fully deal with city living.. so she terminated the tenancy on her apartment, packed her most important belongings in her van, and took off to live a few years on the road...

That went well for a while, until one day her car broke down in the middle of nowhere as she was travelling across the Appaloosian mountains from west to east... and that's when the tour bus of a certain football team, the Sprottenham Totspurs, became her saving grace..
The team was returning from a match they played against Cyme Ixotic United (and lost....) and was now headed towards the city of Anilam where they would spend the night in before continuing their journey to their hometown of Sprottenham.
She was first only set to hitch a ride with them Anilam to find help to fix her car and continue her journey on her own.. but as they didn't arrive there until late on a Saturday night and every car repair shop was closed, she ended up spending a night on the town with them instead to "celebrate their victory" as one of the football players, a young rising star by the name of Patrik, told her....

She learnt from the other guys that this wasn't true, it was just something he said.. Patrik was the womanizer of the team, and she didn't really like him much at first... the next day they parted ways as she was able to locate a car repair shop that could tow her van into town and have it repaired.. She continued her journey eastwards later that day until she encountered this hitchhiking bum with a backpack along the road.. He said his name was Gaute and that he'd spent the weekend climbing in the mountains, and was now headed back to the lowlands.. She asked him to where he was going.. He said Sprottenham, where he was currently squatting in an old abandoned house, but anywhere she could drop him off along the way would be fine..

Solvej agreed to drive him all the way to this town though, as she "was just going where the wind took her". Gaute thanked her very much for this and said he had a spare bed if she wanted a place to crash for the night.. it wasn't much, but it was probably better than sleeping in her van..

The house that Gaute talked about was an old dilapidated brick house that went under the name of "Gufo Triste" by the locals, and it just so happened to be located on Greenacre Road, right next to a house currently occupied by a local football player, Patrik C. Jensen...

Margrethe Holmesen-Fredriksen


Parents: Fredrik Holmesen-Fredriksen, Pia Holmesen-Fredriksen
Siblings: Oliver Freddy Motorsen
Boyfriend: Robert Bråge Motorsen

She is an only child of the 'Prison Warden' Fredrik and the 'Psychiatrist' Pia, and like her parents she is at heart a very good person that likes to keep things neat and tidy, something that stems from both her genetic disposition and from how she is raised.. so, double reinforcement there. ;)

Any other behaviour she displays is probably just a phase she's going through....

Not very surprising given her age, but she has yet to figure out what she wants out of life.. it's not a given that she will share her parents strong ambition and drive to excel in any career, and she has shown signs to be different from them already as she appears to have more of a creative side, as she has signed up for the art club as an after school activity. It's not ruled out though, that she will seek a career in politics like her father, or medicine like mom.. or maybe science like her half-brother Oliver Freddy.. or something completely different... the options are still open...

Pia Holmesen-Fredriksen


Spouse: Fredrik Holmesen-Fredriksen
Children: Margrethe Holmesen-Fredriksen

She moved to Sunset Valley in the mid-2000s seeking her luck working as a forensic psychiatrist at the local prison after having finished her degree in medicine from the university in the county capitol of Wad Nahadau where she grew up as a single child to her rather affluent parents (both of them doctors). Though she grew up on the wealthy hillside on the east end of the Wad Nahadau valley, the darker sides to city living was never to far away, and witnessing many sad fates in her home city as she grew up always led to her having a special place in her heart for the less fortunate in life. As such it became pretty clear that what she wanted to do with her education was to do what she could to help people that had for whatever reason ended up on the skids...

Fredrik Holmesen-Fredriksen


Spouse: Pia Holmesen-Fredriksen
Children: Oliver Freddy Motorsen, Margrethe Holmesen-Fredriksen

Fredrik Fredriksen moved to Sunset Valley in the early 2000s as a young adult at only 18 years old to fulfill his brave ambitions of becoming both a prison warden at the local prison, and mayor of the town...

He had a short affair early on with a local woman called Ranveig, which resulted in a boy being born sometime later who Ranveig gave the name Oliver Freddy.. She kept the pregnancy a secret and didn't inform him about it until after the baby was born.. but of course, eventually he had to help out by paying child support and also help to raise the child.. which was fine until he found a new woman in Pia Holmesen, who then had just started a new job as a forensic psychiatrist at the prison..

They started dating, got married and a couple of years later found themselves as parents to a little girl they named Margrethe..

Iselin Reppe


Spouse: Jarle Reppe
Children: Inge Reppe, Kristina Reppe, Emmy Reppe

Iselins favorite past time is fishing, now that she has managed to lay off the juice... In that way she complements her husband Jarle very well, since he loves gardening. She moved to Sunset Valley from the city of Wad Nahadau with her family when Inge was a teenager, because.. well, they figured they needed a change of scenery.. a place with a little less bars and nightlife, a little more nature, and hopefully some friendlier kids at school, especially for their oldest daughter which was having quite a hard time with it..

Samantha Grey


Parents: Susie Grey, Amarok Grey
Siblings: Ulrikke Grey, Tony Grey, Alexander Grey

She's an art student and aside from Oliver Freddy, she is Inges best friend at university. She also the oldest of the Grey siblings.

Marjánná Onébegajávrre


Spouse: Vuolle Onébegajávrre
Children: Karoliiná Onébegajávrre, Lásse Onébegajávrre

Karoliinás mother and of course another native of the area. Though she is a pretty kind hearted person, often donating money to her own cherry picked charities and good causes (from her own moral point of view), she shares the same skepticism towards the Greys as the rest of her family. Internally she suffers from a bit of low self-esteem and has a tendency to overinterpret things being said as either personal attacks on herself or her family and is known around town as one that will often exaggerate her own reactions and emotions.

She may have a reason for being so thin-skinned, though. The story of the town is... complicated, and her family and the Grey family may actually have something in common when looking at it from a larger perspective...

That being said, she also holds a degree in finance, is currently taking art classes as well as being a pretty good chef wanting to learn and remember as many recipes as possible...

Susie Grey

Spouse: Amarok Grey
Children: Samantha Grey, Ulrikke Grey, Tony Grey,

Susie Grey is Samanthas mother, and one of the elders of the Grey family. In spite of her family being ostracized for generations, she has maintained a friendly and open attitude towards the towns population. She loves spending time outdoors, but perhaps a little unusual for being a werewolf, she's also vegetarian whose favorite past time is working in her garden and tending to her plants.
She's seen as somewhat of a mediator for those among the town population who aren't inclined to be hostile against her family. She doesn't see the point of all this hostility, and wants to see a world where everyone just gets along...

Karoliiná Onébegajávrre


Parents: Marjánná Onébegajávrre, Vuolle Onébegajávrre

A sophomore technology student and native of the Lake Onebega area, as her last name suggests. Her family and the Grey family are not on good terms with each other, as they haven't been for many generations now, and as such she's not excactly best friends with Samantha either. She's only a very distant acquaintance of Inge and Oliver Freddy, unlike Samantha, which actually is a friend of the couple.

Inge Reppe


Parents: Iselin Reppe, Jarle Reppe
Siblings: Kristina Reppe, Emmy Reppe
Boyfriend: Oliver Freddy Motorsen

Inge moved to Sunset Valley from the country capitol of Wad Nahadau with her parents, Jarle and Iselin, and her younger sister Kristina as a young teenager, due to some 'unfortunate circumstances' in the city schools.. and because her mom needed to get away from the city too, the bars, the pubs, the nightclubs, the late nights taking a taxi home and sleeping to long the morning after...

Inge did a little bit better in school after they moved, but was still labeled a loser by some of the other teenagers in town.. Miles better than the city schools though, and with a little bit of help from The Watcher her mom Iselin managed to stay sober too...

Eventually she fell in love with this handsome young man called Oliver Freddy in her parallell class. She had watched him for several weeks on the school bus to and from school, and one day she took the courage to sneak into his classroom and leave a note on his desk....

Eventually after some dates they became a couple, and it was Oliver Freddy that also talked her into going to university to study art, as he wanted to go there to study science/medicine to later get a full time job at the Landgraab Institute where his aunt Monica also works...

Inges youngest sister Emmy (11 months as of August 2023) was born while she was at university.

Oliver Freddy Motorsen


Parents: Ranveig Motorsen, Fredrik Holmesen-Fredriksen
Siblings: Robert Bråge Motorsen, Margrethe Holmesen-Fredriksen
Grandparents: Eirin Motorsen, Ingmar Motorsen
Girlfriend: Inge Reppe

The result of a failed relationship between Ranveig and the local Prison Warden Fredrik Fredriksen*, he was raised alone by his mother, a journalist and chess player, living in Mosquito Cove. Later when he was still in high school his aunt Monica got him a summer job as an assistant at the Landgraab Research facility, and this greatly sparked his interest in science, which later lead him to go to university. This was also around the time he started dating Inge after she had finally picked up the courage to leave him a paper note on his desk...  

She had been eyeing him for a long time when riding the school bus, but as she had always been told by her peers that she was a loser, she didn't have much confidence in her to take any kind of initiative.. but I'm sure now she's happy she did.

* before he married the local Psychiatrist Pia Holmesen and changed his last name to Holmesen-Fredriksen. 

Kathrine Kråkesen-Karlsen

Parents: Egil Kråkesen, Frida Kråkesen
Siblings: Helene Kråkesen-Motorsen
Spouse: Jonathan Kråkesen-Karlsen
Children: Ingrid Kråkesen-Karlsen, Morten Kråkesen-Karlsen, Caroline Kråkesen-Karlsen

Morten Kråkesen-Karlsen


Parents: Kathrine Kråkesen-Karlsen, Jonathan Kråkesen-Karlsen
Siblings: Ingrid Kråkesen-Karlsen, Caroline Kråkesen-Karlsen
Grandparents: Lucie Karlsen, Asgeir Karlsen, Frida Kråkesen, Egil Kråkesen

The photo shows Morten as a 12 year old (before he aged up and became a teenager). Morten is a pupil at the Sunset Valley School for gifted children. An active member of the local boy scouts and an overall good boy that helps his parents out with cleaning and chores in the house. Not very likely be one of the rebellious teenagers or one to cause drama, atleast that's what it looks like for now.

Lise Veronica Motorsen-Notesen

Parents: Ivar Motorsen-Notesen, Monica Motorsen-Notesen
Siblings: Thomas Motorsen-Notesen
Grandparents: Ingmar Motorsen, Eirin Motorsen, Jahn Notesen, Wenche Notesen
Girlfriend: Kristina Reppe
Pets: Pelsdott, Unnamed Rat

One day when she gets old enough to live on her own, she dreams of living in a house full of animals... but for now, she has to live by mom and dads rules. So far the most sneaky and rebellious of all the teenagers, perhaps only rivaled there by her cousin Kleopatra.

Kristina Reppe


Parents: Jarle Reppe, Iselin Reppe
Siblings:  Inge Reppe, Emmy Reppe
Girlfriend: Lise Veronica Motorsen-Notesen

Kristina is a very sweet and family oriented girl. Already at her young age she really enjoys to care for toddlers and children, especially her younger sister Emmy, and one day she dreams of starting a family and watching her own kids grow up... She respects her mom and dad, and very much looks up to her older sister Inge, who is at university studying art with her boyfriend.

Ranveig Motorsen

Ranveig Motorsen Theme on Youtube.

Date of birth: 21.02.1978.
Hometown and place of birth: Sunset Valley.
Parents: Ingmar Motorsen, Eirin Motorsen
Spouse: None.
Children: Oliver Freddy Motorsen, Robert Bråge Motorsen.
Lifetime wish: Chess Legend (completed)
Career: Journalism.


Ranveig Motorsen is the firstborn child of chess prodigy and world renowned surgeon Ingmar Motorsen, and dynamic DNA profiler Eirin Motorsen. When she was a child she, and eventually her younger sister Monica, was often left under the care of a continuous flux of babysitters while her parents where busy focusing on their careers and participating in chess tournaments.

As she got a little older, she caught an interest in chess from witnessing her father competing in ranked games of chess in their home, and an interest in investigating (which later turned into an interest in journalism) from her moms career in the police force.

The school years weren't easy for Ranveig, as she often got bullied for 'being different' and showing up to school in her swimwear even if no swimming classes were scheduled. She never understood why she, and also her sister, were so different from everyone else. Before she started school, she had never thought that mom having conversations with herself in the bathroom every morning was anything unusal, because that's just how it was.. but she quickly learnt this was not normal, and something one shouldn't do in public.. but sometimes the vocies just got to intense to resist the urge to talk back..

In her teenage years she became an older sister again as her mom, unplanned, gave birth to a pair of twins, Eivind and Knut. These were particularly stressful years for Ranveig, dealing with her mental condition that kept getting worse, being a teenager and keeping up a facade, babysitting her three younger siblings and handling the bullies at school all the while trying to get a good grade, as well as several instances of unrecruited love..

Finally as a young adult she was able to move out on her own, but didn't have much money, so she bought the cheapest house on sale - the old rundown Mosquite Cove - but atleast now she had a place of her own, and she felt a glimpse of happiness the day she got a job at the local newspaper - The Sunset Valley Gazette.

Now, following in the footsteps of her father she spent several years practicing chess and participating in tournaments to become a Chess Legend, as well as slowly climbing the ranks of her journalism career. She felt like she had everything in place - except for one thing, one thing that she had always wanted, well, atleast since she started high school. To one day get married and raise her own family.

She thought she had found 'the one', when she one day was sent out to interview the promising mayoral canditate Fredrik Fredriksen. He was such a sweet talking, handsome man, and she felt like walking on sunshine when they became a couple and she found out that she was pregnant.. but unluckily the relationship was short lived and ended before she gave birth to her firstborn son, Oliver Freddy Motorsen, and the years became hard again..

Now she was a single mother, still struggling to advance in her career and as a chess player... and Fredrik soon enough got elected as the towns mayor and began distancing himself from her, as it wouldn't look good for his public image if it were to come out that he was having an affair with a mentally unstable woman from the poorer part of town...

After that experience Ranveig gave up on finding love in the real world, and turned to fiction by devouring an almost unhealthy amount of romance novels and watching every episode of every show on the romance channel, before starting all over again to watch them on repeat...

Until one day she met the travelling bum and extreme sports junkie Gaute Bråheim - again for an interview for the Sunset Valley Gazette - about the increasing amount of tourists finally finding their way to this small dozy town..

He was the radical opposite of the ambitious and orderly mayoral candidate, and as he appeared to be interested in more than just an interview (or maybe he was just looking for another adventure), she decided to give it a go.. this 'relationship' lasted even shorter than the previous one, and by the time she found herself pregnant again, he was long gone...

Now after giving birth to another boy, Robert Bråge, she had become a parent for the second time, still single, still working on her career and trying to become a Chess Legend, as well as struggling with her mental condition and her moms words ringing in her head "to keep it within the walls of the house and not let the secret come out...", as if it wasn't apparent when she needed her toilet breaks at work because the voices became to much to handle..

It wasn't until she witnessed her sister Monicas oldest child, Lise Veronica, struggling with the same voices and putting on a swimsuit for her 13th birthday that she thought enough was enough and decided that enough was enough and had a serious talk with her sister and set up an appointment for the three of them to go to a doctor and finally get a diagnosis and treatment for their condition..

Her oldest son, Oliver Freddy, who also suffered the same, was away at university at this time, otherwise she would have taken him along too. She could only for the time being encourage him to seek help on his own, and hope that he would take the responsibility to do so.. He was out there living his life on his own terms now, and she couldn't force him...